About Us

Biophysics is a multi-disciplinary science that benefits from the principles and concepts of physical sciences in solving problems and illuminating the processes related to biological and medical sciences. In our country for a long time, biophysical studies were carried out in the Institutes of Biophysics within the structure of the Faculty of Science. Towards the requirements of running time, first the Institutes of Biophysics were incorporated into the Faculty of Medicine, then in accordance with the decision taken by the Higher Education Council (HEC) in 1987, Biophysics was transformed into the Department within the structure of the Faculty of Science in Turkey. In Medical Faculty of Thrace University, the Department of Biophysics was first founded by Prof. Dr. Ömer Yiğitbaşı on 10 June 1987. Nowadays, the Department of Biophysics continues its studies under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Tammam Sipahi. In our Department, the subjects about Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics and Trace Elements are being studied.